2.多面体幾何学 Polyhedral Geometry
Geometry is not one field in mathematics, but originally a source of the vision that invents concepts of the number. Its application range amounts to understanding the structure andconfiguration of the space technology and other related forms.
And its development has influencedthe field of art and sculptures, paintings and architecture ever since the cradle of civilization.
The euclidean geometry appeared at the early stage of geometry. The field which treated the solid especially called the polyhedral geometry. Those polyhedral structures are based on the regular polyhedron, so-called the Platonic solid.
Euclidean geometry "Element"has been compiled into 13 volumes of the whole, the last three volumes are devoted to polygonal geometry, the point has been reached for clarification of this platonic solids.
Today, the technology applied to polyhedral geometry has been used in various fields from molecular model to building structure.
Before talking about them, it is necessary to explain the developmental stage of the polyhedral geometry to follow the course of it history.As a result, an essential core that doesn't stay in superficial understanding of this geometry will come into view.
Regular polyhedra are also called the platonic solids, the origin of which is dealing with it in the book "Timaeus" written by Plato in the ancient Greek era.So below, said the platonic solids.
Afterwards, this solid is proven on "Element" and, in addition, the following age Archimedes will discover a solid group that regularly transforms from the Platonic solid. Those solids are called an Archimedean solid named after his name.
During the Middle Ages from about AD, as well as a variety of science and technology,remarkable development is not seen in this study.
Then, the Archimedean dual solids and star-shaped polyhedron would gradually be discovered since the Middle Ages. Dual solid is the reverse of each other is that the solids surface of the original solid and that the number of vertices.
Into modern times, have been discovered the Rhombic Triacontahedron (a convex polyhedron with 30 rhombic faces)in the solid rhomboid its dual by the astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler.And, the law and proof have been done to modern ages by a lot of mathematicians and scientist.
In modern times, Including polytopes, stellated polyhedron and such as rhombic polyhedron have been investigated by geometers headed by H.S.M. Coxeter.
The second half of last century, discovered category of Zonohedron. As a result, rhombic polyhedron will be contained in this polyhedron.
Remarkably, the traditional interpretation of the polyhedron was done even though the surface composition and frame configurations,in recent years have been also found configuration method by using wire and strut or shaft materials .
They are the one being said Polylinks, Tensegrity, and the multi axis body(Polyaxis).
Archimedean solid